PGRI Chair Asks Government Not To Burden Teachers With Administrative Affairs

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PB PGRI) Prof. Unifah Rosyidi encourages the government not to burden teachers with various administrative matters. "We encourage the government to provide quality and/or technology-based learning facilities, but without burdening teachers with administration," said Unifah at the opening of the PGRI XXIII Congress in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 2. The government needs to reduce the administrative burden that teachers must do, such as filling out the application of the Merdeka Teaching platform. Teachers must focus on preparing, implementing, and evaluating learning. "The government must provide enough free time for teachers to express, improve competence, and chat with families and communities to be productive, creative, and innovative," he said. On that occasion, Unifah also reminded teachers to be adaptive to the changes that occur so quickly.

Dia menjelaskan perang Ukraina-Rusia, Israel-Palestina, serta terjadinya pandemi COVID-19 merupakan beberapa contoh perubahan yang begitu cepat terjadi dan sulit diprediksi di dunia."Oleh karena itu seluruh bidang kehidupan perlu mengantisipasinya termasuk dunia pendidikan," terang dia.Arah pendidikan pun perlu berubah yang lebih mengutamakan pengembangan tata nilai dan norma serta penumbuhan karakter. Estafet kepemimpinan nasional harus tetap melanjutkan pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusia melalui pembenahan sistem pendidikan nasional yang bermutu.Sistem pendidikan nasional harus terus dibenahi karena data menunjukkan kualitas pendidikan kita belum setara di lingkup regional maupun internasional."Selama dua dekade terakhir, kualitas pendidikan kita masih stagnan terlihat dari beberapa ukuran-ukuran internasional seperti TIMMS dan PISA," jelas dia.Kata kunci untuk perbaikan mutu pendidikan, lanjut dia, terletak pada tata kelola guru yang baik. Oleh karena itu, kebijakan tata kelola guru harus dilakukan secara komprehensif dari hulu hingga hilir agar terbentuk sistem manajemen guru yang terpadu."Untuk itulah, PGRI menyerukan perlu adanya manajemen satu pintu dalam pengelolaan guru," jelas dia.

Unifah also asked the government to provide free access for poor people to housing, education, health, clean water, electricity, and gas facilities. Urge the government to implement the welfare policies of teachers, teacher protection, and fulfillment of teacher shortages, ranging from PAUD to SMA/SMK/MA, and without the dichotomy of public and private teachers. Urge the government to solve the problems of P1, P2, P3, and P4 in the selection of PPPK ASN, the revocation of moratorium and the reopening of teacher CPNS acceptance, as well as the completion of 1.6 million non-sertical teachers. As well as asking Indonesian teachers to continue to improve the competence of pedagogical, personality, social, and professional, so learning takes place humanely and develops character.