KPU: Determination Of Suspects 7 PPLN Members Does Not Hamper Data Update In Kuala Lumpur

Member of the Indonesian KPU Mochammad Afifuddin said the determination of seven members of PPLN Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as suspects in alleged election crimes did not interfere with updating voter data.

"No (disrupts updating of voter data in Kuala Lumpur), it has been deactivated since before being named a suspect," Afif said at the Indonesian KPU Office, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 2.

He explained that the KPU had also conveyed the status of seven inactive members of PPLN Kuala Lumpur to the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP). This is because the dismissal of the seven members must go through the DKPP.

"If it is deactivated, the temporary suspension is in our position (KPU)," he explained.

The KPU, continued Afif, is committed to solving all problems in the 2024 General Election so as not to cause speculation that the permanent voter list (DPT) in Kuala Lumpur is deliberately being played for fraud.

"Anyway, we tidy up everything," said Afif.

It is known that the re-voting (PSU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will use two methods and last for two days.

The two methods are voting at polling stations (TPS) and mobile ballot boxes (KSK).

The PSU for the KSK method was carried out on March 9, 2024 and the postal method was carried out the following day, March 10, 2024.

For the KSK method, the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) will carry out escorts from start to finish. The next day, the ballot will be calculated in conjunction with the results of the PSU from the TPS method.

Not only that, he mentioned that there was one member of PPLN Kuala Lumpur who changed between time (PAW), because he resigned from his position. Even so, there are already people who replace him.

"This one is the first PPLN suspect. His name is initial M," he concluded.

Previously, the Director of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Pol. Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro explained that the determination of seven suspects was carried out after his party held a case on Wednesday (28/2) in the Sub-Directorate IV Meeting Room of the Dittipidum.

The investigation of this case has been carried out since investigators received a police report with the number: LP/B/60/II/SPKT Bareskrim Polri, dated February 20, 2024 with the reporter Rizky Al Farzie.

From the police report, a Kabareskrim warrant was issued Number: Sprin/1635/II/RES.1.24./2024/Bareskrim, dated February 28, 2024.

The results of the case title found that there were allegations of criminal acts in the form of intentionally adding or reducing the voter list in the election after the stipulation of a fixed voter list and/or intentionally falsifying the data and voter list that occurred in the period around June 21, 2023 until now.

This violation violates the provisions in Article 545 and/or Article 544 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, which occurred at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

"According to the facts found in the case title, the six suspects are suspected of adding or reducing the voter list. One suspect is suspected of deliberately falsifying data and voter lists," said Djuhandhani.

As for the legal acts carried out by the suspects, the data and the voter list were falsified.

It is known that the Population Data for the Potential Election Voters (DP4) of the Indonesian KPU for voters in Kuala Lumpur is 493,856, and what Coklit has done by Pantarlih is only 64,148.

"However, PPLN Kuala Lumpur has determined that the Voter List for the 2024 Election in the Kuala Lumpur area is not in accordance with the provisions," he said.

Based on Minutes Number: 007/PP.05.1.BA/078/2023 dated April 5, 2023 regarding the Recapitulation of the Temporary Voter List (DPS) of the Kuala Lumpur PPLN Level Number 491,152 voters.

Then, based on Minutes Number: 008/PP.05.1.BA/078/2023 dated May 12, 2023, concerning the Recapitulation of the Kuala Lumpur PPLN Level Temporary Voter Results (DPSHP), totaling 442,526 voters.

PPLN Kuala Lumpur also determined voter data for Minutes Number: 009/PP/05. I-BA/078/2023 dated June 21, 2023 regarding the Recapitulation of the Fixed Voter List (DPT) of the Kuala Lumpur PPLN Level, totaling 447,258 voters.

Djuhandhani said the voter list and voter data had been determined by PPLN Kuala Lumpur, carried out in an improper manner and not in accordance with the provisions of the Legislation, only based on the calculation of the percentage of the lobby-loby agreement with representatives of the Political Party.

With the determination of seven suspects, said Djuhandhani, his party will immediately complete the case file with the remaining six working days remaining.