Less Useful And Potentials Of Delivering Illegal Alcohol, PAN Asks Jokowi To Calculate Foreign Exchange Income From Alcohol Investments

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PAN faction of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, urged the government to immediately review and review Presidential Regulation No.10/2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector.

This is because in the Presidential Regulation there are articles that have the potential to cause polemics and unrest in the community.

"It must be seriously reviewed and studied. I am absolutely sure that the benefits of investing in the alcohol industry are very small. While the harm is definitely more. If necessary, the Presidential Regulation is immediately revised. Articles on alcohol must be issued," said Saleh in his statement, Monday, March 1st.

The member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives also questioned the distribution of alcohol. Is there a guarantee that it will not be sent to other regions considering the regulation only allows the circulation of alcohol in certain areas.

Meanwhile, the alcohol trade, when there was a lot of concern with the Presidential Regulation, became increasingly rampant.

"Apart from that, there is great concern that there will be a lot of mixed, illegal, and fake alcohol circulating outside the provinces that are allowed in the Presidential Regulation. This happens very often. The police and the Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) have often arrested the perpetrators," said the legislator from North Sumatra.

According to Saleh, it is a fact that the majority of Indonesians reject alcohol. The reason is, it is feared that alcohol can trigger criminal acts. Where alcoholic drinkers often commit crimes beyond their subconscious.

"The effect of drinking is really not very good. If you are addicted, it is difficult to normalize it again," said the deputy chairman of the Honorary Court of the Council.

If the Presidential Regulation's reason for bringing in foreign exchange, Saleh assessed that the government needs to recalculate and recalculate how much revenue the state can get from the alcohol.

Then, the government must also compare with the harm and damage that may occur due to alcohol.

"I suspect that the foreign exchange will be insignificant, but the damage is large. This is quite a threat to the millennial generation, whose number is very large today," said Saleh.

It is known, the Government has approved the liquor industry as a positive investment list (DPI) since this year. Previously, the liquor industry was known to fall into the closed business sector category.

The ratification is based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Investment Business Field.

The regulation, which is a derivative rule of Law (UU) Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, has been signed by President Joko Widodo and comes into effect on February 2, 2021. However, the authorization to invest in this industry is a new investment.

This investment can only be made in the Province of Bali, Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Province of North Sulawesi, and Province of Papua by paying attention to local culture and wisdom.