National Recapitulation: PDIP And Golkar Voices Exchanged At PPLN Seoul

The results of the PDI-P and Golkar votes were exchanged in the recapitulation of vote count in the working area of the Voting Committee for Foreign Affairs (PPLN) Seoul, South Korea.

This was known during the Pleno Meeting on the Recapitulation of Overseas Voting Results at the National Level on the third day at the Indonesian KPU Office, Jakarta, Friday, March 1.

It is known that the PDI-P got serial number 3, while Golkar 4.

Initially, witness from PDI Perjuangan Harli Muin found irregularities. He saw a difference in the votes acquired by the party bearing the white-nosed bull in the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) with Form C. Plano's results at TPS 016 Seoul.

"My question is why was it wrong, Ms.? Is this Sirekap or is it deliberately wrong? Why did this not match what was written, was it because Sirekap or did you intentionally write the wrong thing? Or was it changed?" asked Harli to the technical division supervisor of PPLN Seoul, Rinda at the KPU office quoted by ANTARA.

Harli highlighted that the votes that should have been written 4 were written 2 and 21 should have been 9.

"We haven't recorded it yet, look at it, there are four (noises for) the party, you write two there. Then there should be (noise) 21, it becomes 9. Why reduce so much?" he continued.

The parties then looked again at the PDI-P's vote acquisition with serial number 3. The C. Plano result from TPS 016 uploaded in Sirekap was also displayed during the meeting.

Meanwhile, KPU member Yulianto Sudrajat said the manual form must be matched with the data in Sirekap.

Rinda admitted that there was an error after conducting a number of examinations of the existing forms. He revealed that the PDI-P's voice was exchanged with Golkar.

"After we checked, there was an input error in (formulir) C. Hasil. After we checked for all the votes of the political party and the votes of the PDIP candidate were exchanged with the Golkar Party. So next to it, it was like that. The placement was wrong," said Rinda.

Witnesses from the Golkar Party then responded. Rinda also assessed that Sirekap could help if there was an error.

"It's good that there is Sirekap, Mas. Otherwise, Mr. Harli doesn't find out," he added.

In addition. Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja emphasized whether the input error only occurred at Polling Station 016 or at all polling stations in the South Korean capital. "Only TPS 016," said Rinda.

He also emphasized that the recapitulation at the Seoul PPLN level was correct. The error lies in the repair form which has not been successfully re-inputed.

"We ask for permission to convey the reason, we carried out this input process for the first time at the time of vote counting on February 14. So, the entire Overseas Voting Organizing Group (KPPS LN) tried to input, everything in this input, then we did still record C. Hasil," explained Rinda.

"So, from 17 to 18 there were obstacles for entry in some of our teams, but we have asked for repairs from 17 to 18 all of them to be sent to us manually as well," he said.

As a result of the incident, PPLN Seoul will also recapitulate the votes acquired by PDIP and the Golkar Party. Thus, the overall recapitulation of votes acquired in Seoul has not been ratified.