Firli Bahuri Tak Kunjung Ditahan, Kapolri Hingga Kajati DKI Ditugat Pretrial

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society or MAKI is suing the pretrial regarding Firli Bahuri's absence from being detained, who is a suspect in the alleged extortion and gratification case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL.

In the lawsuit, the defendants or the defendants, namely the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo; Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto; and DKI Kajati Narendra Jatna.

"That's right, the South Jakarta District Court accepted the request for a pretrial lawsuit," said South Jakarta District Court Public Relations Officer, Djuyamto to VOI, Friday, March 1.

The lawsuit was registered with number No.33 / Pid.Pra / 2024 / PN.Jkt.Sel. Later, the trial process will be led by Tunggal Judge Sri Rejeki Marshinta.

Separately, MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said the reason for filing a pretrial lawsuit was because the National Police Chief and the Regional Police Chief were deemed to have stopped the investigation process by not detaining Firli Bahuri.

"That the Kapolda and the National Police Chief have terminated the investigation illegally because they did not detain Firli Bahuri," he said.

"That in order to comply with this decision by the respondents, it is necessary to order the judges to the respondents to detain FB," continued Boyamin.

In addition, the respondents are also considered to have immediately transferred Firli Bahuri's case file. Then, the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office is also considered to have to act as soon as possible on the complete case file.

"That the Respondents should immediately hand over the case file for the third time to the Public Prosecutor of the DKI Jakarta Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor should immediately state the complete file if the evidence has fulfilled the elements of corruption suspected by investigators," said Boyamin.

Meanwhile, the petitum in the lawsuit included;

1. The third party valid applicant has an interest in filing the pretrial aquo2. The South Jakarta District Court has the authority to try 3. State that Respondent I and Respondent II have terminated the investigation because they have not detained Firli Bahuri. 4. Order the Respondents to detain FB.5. Order the Respondents to hand over the case file for the third time to the Jakarta Attorney General's Office. 6. Ordered Termohon II to form a Corruption Eradication Corps under the direct command of the National Police Chief.