Being Detained, Ammar Zoni Chooses To Sell Instagram Accounts

JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni made a public scene with his latest upload on Instagram. Surprisingly, he sold his Instagram account according to what was written on Instagram Story.

"This account is for SALE (this account is sold)," reads the Instagram Story account published on Tuesday, February 27.

"Those who are interested seriously contact the admin," he said.

This account doesn't even include how much it costs. However, the Ammar Zoni account has 8.6 million followers.

Previously it was revealed that the Ammar Zoni account was not managed personally but by the management. Although Ammar Zoni is being detained, this account states that business activities can be contacted through the management.

"This account is currently handled by ole management and family. Everything with business/endorsement can contact personnel in the bio," wrote Ammar Zoni's account.

This news was surprising considering that Ammar Zoni was in prison after being caught in drugs for the third time.

He also officially divorced from Irish Bella after his wife sued and was received on February 1, 2024. Irish has custody of two children with Ammar.

In addition, Ammar Zoni is also required to provide a living of IDR 10 million every month. The divorce suit was filed when Ammar Zoni was only arrested by the police.