What Is Benzo, The Drug That Millen Cyrus Consumes

JAKARTA - A celebgram Millen Cyrus was caught in a health protocol raid (prokes) by the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate. She was arrested because her urine test was positive for benzo-type psychotropic substances.

"From this place, we checked a celebgram with the initials of MC and her friend who was positive for a benzo," said the Director of Narcotics Investigation at Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Mukti Juharsa, after a health protocol raid at the Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar, Sunday, February 28.

In addition to a positive benzo urine test result, a doctor's prescription was also found in Millen Cyrus's bag. So what is the benzo drug?

Quoted from WebMD, benzo or benzodiazepines are categorized as psychoactive drugs. Generally, benzodiazepine drugs are given to patients who are diagnosed with psychiatric disorders and experience anxiety disorders, seizures, or insomnia.

When consumed, benzodiazepines can cause a feeling of comfort and have a drowsy effect. When used in the right dosage, this drug does not actually have a hallucinatory effect on its users.

Several types of drugs that are included in the benzodiazepine group and are often misused include Xanax (Alprazolam) or Valium (Diazepam). There is also a type of benzo that is commonly consumed as a sleeping pill, namely Dumolid (Nitrazepam).

By doctors, benzodiazepine drugs are used to treat various complaints related to anxiety disorders. Use without a doctor's prescription is categorized as abuse and can be punished.

The reason is that if you are dependent, this drug will cause confusion, dizziness, and loss of ability to determine direction. Even taking this drug with alcohol and other types of drugs, can trigger fatal to deadly effects.

Meanwhile, Millen Cyrus was secured at the Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar, on Sunday, February 28 in the early hours of the morning. She was secured when the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate held a health protocol raid during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is Millen Cyrus' second time dealing with the police over drugs. Previously, she was arrested for drug abuse on November 22, 2020, at a hotel in North Jakarta.