This Is The List Of Officials Who Moved First To IKN, First Cluster Departed For July

YOGYAKARTA The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPA-RB) is preparing to transfer the state civil apparatus (ASN) to the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara. The number of ASN officials who moved first to IKN reached 12,000 people.

"The determination of the number of ASN Central Agencies employees to be transferred to IKN is carried out in stages by paying attention to several principles, such as the priority scale of the role or function of Ministries/agencies to ensure the effectiveness of government administration at IKN," said Menpan RB Abdullah Azwar Anas, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of PAN-RB, Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

MenpanRB added that the transfer of state civil servants was carried out no later than August 2024.

"The initial target that can be achieved is the transfer of ASN to prepare for the ceremony to commemorate Indonesia's independence at IKN in August, followed by a period of transfer in November and December 2024," said Anas.

Based on the release of Kemenpan-RB, here is a list of ASN officials who will first move to the Capital State of the Archipelago:

The Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform said that there were several stages in determining which ASN would be transferred to IKN.

First, the KemenPAN-RB conducts an analysis to resolve which Ministries/agencies, and work units that are prioritized to be transferred to the first priority to IKN.

This is to ensure that government administration can still run effectively in the early days of relocation, of course supported by digitizing the government system.

Second, each Ministry/Institution independently sorts out the positions and ASN will be moved based on the screening pattern from the KemenPAN-RB.

In addition, ASNs who move to IKN must also master digital literacy, have multitasking capabilities, and can apply AKHLAK (Service Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative) values.

Regarding Bunian for ASN, KemenPAN-RB is still coordinating with relevant agencies so that ASN gets apartment residential units or flats that are official in nature and do not need to pay rent.

The transfer of ASN officials for the first batch will begin in July-August 2024. In this regard, KemenPAN-RB proposed to the Ministry of Finance that ASN employees who move to IKN be given incentives in the form of pioneer allowances.

This incentive is a form of appreciation for ASN employees, considering that in the early stages of moving IKN there is no complete infrastructure support and basic needs in Jakarta.

"Basically, ASN employees are ready to be transferred to IKN. The important thing that we continue to coordinate and improve with OIKN and the Ministry of PUPR is the availability of housing for ASN who will move," said Anas.

"We also continue to coordinate to ensure that supporting infrastructure such as office spaces, network infrastructure, and the systems needed to optimize the role of ASN employees in IKN and the effectiveness of communication with offices that are still in Jakarta," he said again.

After the first batch departs for IKN, the transfer of ASN will be carried out again in the period November and December 2024.

This is information about the list of ASN officials who moved first to IKN. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.