Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road 44.17 Km Starts Construction Of Quarter II 2024

JAKARTA - PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) will soon begin the construction of the 44.17 kilometer (km) Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road starting in the second quarter of 2024 with a total investment of IDR 9.92 trillion.

The construction of this toll road will begin soon after the signing of the toll road business agreement (PPJT) between the government and PT Surya Sapta Agung Tol, a subsidiary of Gudang Garam (GGRM).

Based on the Ministerial Letter number PB 0201-Mn/2954 dated December 14, 2023, the winner of the Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road business auction along 44.17 Km was determined by PT Gudang Garam (Tbk).

Furthermore, on February 12, 2024, the initiator of PT Gudang Garam (Tbk) has formed and established a BUJT called PT Surya Sapta Agung Tol.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono thanked Gudang Garam for planning to build the Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road.

"The implementation of this toll road project is a very strategic business decision as well as accelerating connectivity in one of the East Java sections, because this toll road will connect with the Trans Java Toll Road with the Pansela national road and will be connected to the Mojokerto to Kediri areas," said Minister Basuki as quoted from the official website of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Wednesday, February 28.

Meanwhile, Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Miftachul Munir stated that the construction of the Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road in East Java Province connects Kediri City and Kediri Regency with Tulungagung Regency.

"Regarding the scope of entrepreneurship of the Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road, it is to carry out funding activities, including land acquisition funding, engineering planning, construction implementation, operation and maintenance for all toll roads," he said.

For your information, the Kediri-Tulungagung Toll Road consists of access to Dhoho Airport along 6.82 km and Main Road (Section 1 + Section 2) Kediri-Tulungagung along 37.35 km (including access roads).

The investment cost for the construction of this toll road is IDR 9.92 trillion with a concession period of 50 years starting from the issuance of a Work Start Order (SPMK).

It is planned to start construction in the second quarter of 2024 and is targeted to operate in the third quarter of 2025.