Getting To Know The Open And Closed Transaction System On Toll Roads

YOGYAKARTA The open and closed transaction system on toll roads is part of the non-cash transaction system implemented on toll roads.

Please note, non-cash transactions with electronic money (e-money) are modernization of the payment system to increase transaction speed and efficiency on toll roads.

Since its enactment in 2017, the non-cash transaction system on the Indonesian toll road has been divided into two, namely open and closed.

So, what is an open and closed transaction system on toll roads? Let's look at the full information below.

1. Open transaction system on toll roads

Quoted from the official website of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the open transaction system is a payment system where motorists only pay toll roads when entering the toll booth for the first time. The payment includes opening bars at toll gates.

Because the transaction was carried out at the beginning, drivers do not need to stop making payments when passing exit toll. Unless, when connected to another toll road with a closed system. If this happens, the driver must tap the payment at the toll gate.

The implementation of an open transaction system on toll roads is expected to reduce the queue of vehicles at toll booths.

One of the toll roads that uses open transactions is the Depok-Antasari Toll Road, section Antasari-Andara-Brigif-Krukut-Sawangan.

If passing this section, motorists only need to tap an e-money once at the exit toll gate for Jakarta to Depok or at the entrance to the entrance to Depok to Jakarta.

If the driver starts from Depok to Jakarta and wants to continue his journey to the JORR-S toll road, then the driver must tap at the Cilandak Utama 2 Gate in order to cross the JORR toll road.

2. Closed transaction system on toll roads

Meanwhile, what is meant by a closed transaction system on toll roads is a payment system where electronic money tapping is carried out at the toll gate where you want to leave.

So when they first entered, the driver had not made a payment. On a closed system, tap the e-money card performed at the initial substation is only for building bars or portals.

Therefore, don't be surprised if there is no balance reduction at the time of the first tapping. Sometimes the monitor display only shows zero because there is no withdrawal of funds. Then below it, the nominal balance is usually listed and there is no payment receipt coming out of the substation.

This is information about an open and closed transaction system on toll roads. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.