Inspection Of Cipinang Main Market, East Jakarta, Police Have Not Found Rice Hoarding

JAKARTA - Sub-Directorate of Indag Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya together with stakeholders conducted a surprise inspection (Sidak) of the rice warehouse in Block G of the Cipinang Main Market, East Jakarta, Wednesday, February 28. The Food Task Force of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Victor Inkiriwang said, from the results of its supervision until now there has been no finding of a deviation in the distribution of rice in the Cipinang Main Market. "Until now, we have found no findings related to the distribution of materials - the basic ingredients in this case are rice," said AKBP Victor to journalists at the location, Wednesday, February 28. AKBP Victor explained, the Polda Metro Jaya Food Task Force is currently still focused on monitoring the distribution of rice from Hulu to Hilir. "Currently, we are focusing on monitoring, then focusing on ensuring that the flow of the distribution chain of basic materials, especially rice, can be well distributed from upstream to downstream," he said. In this monitoring activity, his party collaborated with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and Bulog as well as the Association of Rice and Rice Milling Entrepreneurs Association (Perpadi) Jakarta. "We are not worried, in collaboration, supervising and securing for this subject material in particular rice can be accepted by the public," he said. The head of DKI Jakarta Perpadi, Nelis Soekidi added, the selling price of rice at the Cipinang Rice Main Market on Wednesday, February 28 has decreased relatively. While medium quality rice from Bulog was sold at the Cipinang Rice Main Market at a price of Rp10,600.00 per kilogram. "InsyaAllah, the public does not need to worry, today there is already a downward trend and supply has been a lot. The price of premium quality rice is Rp13,500,00.700.00 per kilogram at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, yesterday it was Rp14,500 per kilogram," Nelis told reporters.

The availability of rice at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, East Jakarta has medium and premium quality. Nelis said, all medium and premium quality rice has dropped. "There is medium, there is premium, everything is down. Today's supply is normal, the transition from up to down. If the supply automatically drops," he said.