This Ramadan House Of Zakat Targets To Help 350,000 Beneficiaries In Indonesia And Palestine

JAKARTA - Rumah Zakat launched the Ramadan Kita #Manfaat Great for Indonesia and Palestine, Tuesday, February 27, which aims to share happiness with people in need both in Indonesia and Palestine.

This year's Ramadan Rumah Zakat targets to invite Muslims to help 350,000 beneficiaries both in Indonesia and Palestine through various special programs.

The special Ramadan programs this year include the eight programs, including, Sharing Iftar, Sharing Sahur, Berkisan Lebaran Keluarga, Kado Lebaran orphans, Syiar Qur'an, Ceremony Mosques, Free Ramadan, and Ramadan for Palestine.

"Ramadan last year, together with 45,811 donors, 230 community partners, and 97 corporate partners, we shared with 244,477 beneficiaries from Aceh to Papua. This year we are targeting a 43 percent growth of beneficiaries," said the CEO of Rumah Zakat Irvan Nugraha.

Zakat houses have continued to be committed to helping Gazans who are currently in humanitarian tragedy since October 7, 2024. As of February 26, 2024, together with collaborative partners, the zakat house has distributed aid in the form of 51,500 Ready-to-eat Food Packages, 1,515 Packages of Medicines, 19,250,000. Liter Clean Water, 3,640 Superqurbantan Packages, 700 Winter Clothing Packages, 2 Sea Water Desalination Points, 3 Logistic Trucks Units, 20 Tents Units, 207 Hygiene Kita, 2,532 Food Basket, 1,180 Vegetable Packages, 1,150 Healthy Alert Actions, and 8 Emergency Toilet Units.

"For the month of Ramadan, there are 5 Ramadan programs for Palestine, including ifthar, food basketball, spread for Palestine, vegetable package, and also eid gift. We are targeting 100,000 Palestinians to be beneficiaries. Please pray and also support so that we can provide the best Ramadan for our brothers in Palestine," said Irvan.