7 Important Criteria In Choosing Fomula Milk, From Nutrition To Packaging Content

YOGYAKARTA Parents need to know important criteria in choosing fomula milk as a provision for their parenting. The reason is, choosing formula milk will have an impact on children, both related to nutritional intake to health problems.

Before deciding what kind of formula to give to the baby, pay attention to the following criteria.

The first criterion that must be considered when choosing formula milk is the age of the child. The formula for babies under one year will certainly be very different from formula for children over the age of five.

When choosing milk Try to pay close attention to the designation information listed on the packaging so that unwanted things do not happen.

Formula milk must also be adjusted to the condition of the baby, for example, babies with weight conditions cannot choose formula milk that is able to increase the weight of the baby so that it is healthier. To find out the condition of the baby, parents must bring the baby to a doctor. This method is the safest so that other health problems do not occur.

Formula milk basically contains various nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. There is also formula milk that contains other important substances such as ariidonic acid (ARA) and DHA which are useful for the brain growth of the nervous system in infants, to eye development.

Before deciding to choose, parents are advised to know what their child's nutritional needs are. The more complete the nutrition contained in milk is, of course, the more recommended.

If the child has an allergy to cow's milk, parents can provide soybean milk. This decision can be taken by parents, but it is recommended to consult a pediatrician first. Parents are advised to know how to know a baby with a formula allergy.

Parents must also pay attention to whether the formula milk chosen is legally circulated or not. The legal formula formula has information from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Avoid suspicious formula milk products. In this case, parents must be careful and not be tempted by marketing tricks.

Parents can choose the milk according to their needs, but when choosing to make sure that the milk packaging is sealed properly. Avoid choosing milk packaging that has been damaged for whatever reason. Sealing milk is important to ensure there is no contamination of milk so it remains safe for consumption.

Sometimes the expiration date printed on the external milk packaging is not listed properly so it is difficult to read. Therefore, first make sure the milk has a long expiration date. Consumption of expired milk will have an impact on the baby's health.

In addition to choosing the right milk, parents must also understand the guidelines for making the right baby formula.

That's information related to important criteria in choosing fomula milk. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.