Police Wait For Coordination Meeting On Security Of The 2024 Bau Nyale Tradition At The Mandalika SEZ

NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) has prepared special security for the 2024 Bau Nyale tradition in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), Central Lombok.

The event will be held from February 29 to March 1.

"Because we know that in this tradition, many residents want to stay at the location, so special security will be prepared," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Senior Commissioner Rio Indra Lesmana in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

He said this special security was related to the police's strategy so that the Sasak Tribe tradition would run safely and smoothly without any security disturbances.

For the certainty of the number of security personnel, Rio said that the regional police had not yet determined because they were still waiting for the results of the cross-sectoral coordination meeting.

"The Rakor will later be Mr. Karo Ops Polda NTB who is present representing. February 28 the meeting at the governor's office. From there, the number of security personnel will be determined," he said.

However, he ensured that in the event it was not only the Central Lombok Police who would provide security, but there was also additional personnel support from the NTB Police.

"As in previous years, there was personnel assistance from the NTB Regional Police. All security forces were deployed, there will also be security support from the TNI," said Rio.