Differences In Symptoms Of Male And Female Heart Attacks, Beware Of These Signs

YOGYAKARTA - Heart attacks can be experienced by anyone, but most cases occur in adults. However, it should be noted that there are differences in the symptoms of male and female heart attacks. This one is important to watch out for due to heart attacks including the deadliest disease in the world.

Heart attacks occur when blood flow to the heart is clogged or cut off. This condition is caused by a buildup of fat or plaque, cholesterol, and other factors. A person who has a heart attack must immediately be given emergency assistance so as not to cause a worse impact.

"The number one killer heart disease for men and women in the United States. However, that's where the equation is, but both have different symptoms," said Dr. Eduardo Sancez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention for the American Heart Association, as reported by Antara.

There are many rumors that this disease attacks men a lot. But in fact, women are also at the same risk of having a heart attack. So what are the difference between male and female heart attacks that are important to understand?

Many cases of heart attacks were found in Indonesia, with the majority of patients elderly and adults with certain diseases. To be able to anticipate and provide proper treatment, it is necessary to hit signs of a heart attack.

By knowing the signs or symptoms of a heart attack at the beginning, you can provide help faster. This is important to do so that health conditions do not get worse or are dangerous.

The following are some of the general symptoms of heart attacks that can be experienced by both men and women:

Male cases of heart attacks are generally caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Pra can risk more heart attacks if he has a history of illness in his family, high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking habits.

Women also cannot avoid the threat of a heart attack related to a number of risk factors above. Although there are general signs of a heart attack as mentioned above, it is important to know that there are differences in the symptoms of a heart attack in men and women.

Heart attacks in men will usually cause symptoms of pain in the chest to nausea and shortness of breath. The following are signs or symptoms of heart attacks in men that are common:

Unlike the symptoms experienced by men, heart attacks on women can occur without any pain in the chest. However, there are some symptoms of heart attacks common to women, as follows:

That's a review of the different symptoms of male and female heart attacks that are important to understand. Heart attacks on women may not be followed by symptoms of chest pain at all. Therefore, both men and women must always be vigilant or aware of their health condition. Also read whether a broken heart can get heart disease?

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