Sitting In The Case Of Wulan Guritno Sues Ex-Girlfriend Regarding Home Renovation Money

YOGYAKARTA - Artist Wulan Guritno has returned to news after he filed a civil lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court against his ex-girlfriend Sabdayagra Ahessa. The lawsuit was filed by the woman who was born in London, April 14, 1981, who used some of the money she lent to her ex-girlfriend for the renovation of the house located in Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. So what is the case like in the case of Wulan Guritno suing her ex-girlfriend?

This was confirmed by the Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djumyanto, Monday (26/2/2024).

"Yes, that's right, sister Wulan Guritno filed a civil lawsuit against a relative of Sabdayagra Ahessa and registered it with civil law with case number 5 / Pdt.G / 2024 / PN JKT.SEL. This is apart from the funds used by Sabdayagra which belongs to Wulan," said Djumyanto.

In the lawsuit filed, Attila's ex-wife, Arius Syach, asked the judge to grant his claim for the refund used by his ex-girlfriend for house renovations whose figure reached Rp. 396,150,000.

"In the lawsuit against the law (PMH) filed by Wulan Guritno against Sabdayagra Ahessa, there were several demands, including asking the Panel of Judges of the South Jakarta District Court to accept and grant PMH's claim for alleged violations of Article 1365 of the Civil Code (KUH Perdata) and Wulan Guritno completely and stating that the Defendant must return the bailout funds to the renovation of the house located on Jalan Kemang Timur IAPCO No. 16, West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta," he said.

In his statement, the South Jakarta District Court's public relations also did not specify the existence of Wulan's bond with Sabdayagra before finally Wulan filed the civil lawsuit. "If it has nothing to do with this problem. This is purely a civil matter," he said.

Referring to Article 1356 of the Civil Code which was violated by the former basketball player, it reads that acts against the law are defined as actions that harm others and require the perpetrators responsible for the loss to replace them.

Wulan and Sabdayagra Ahessa were previously known to have bonded after the artist separated from her second husband, Adilla Dimitri Hardjanto in 2021.

Wulan and Sabdayagra Ahessa are increasingly promoting intimacy through social media on various occasions. The two often show off photos during holidays together.

Although they are almost 15 years apart, Wulan and Sabda's ties still have the blessing of Wulan's mother because they see Sabda close to Wulan's children.

But after 3 years of relationship, Wulan and Sabda concluded that they officially announced their separation in June 2023. Sabda was not seen when Wulan celebrated her mother's birthday on June 1, 2023.

Read also: 'Exclusive Shalim Razade Trying To Be Free From Shadow Wulan Guritno'.

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