Deputy Minister Of Religion Asks His Staff To Beware Of HTI Camouflage
Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Saiful Rahmat Dasuki asked his staff to be aware of every movement that denies the four pillars of nationality. Because, if left unchecked it can damage the nation's ideology.
This was in response to the "Metamorphosshow" themed event at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), East Jakarta on Saturday, February 17, 2024, allegedly related to the banned organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).
"A few days ago, we were surprised by the Metamorphshow movement at TMII under the guise of Isra Mikraj. This activity is indicated by an organization that has been banned in Indonesia," said Saiful Rahmat, Tuesday, February 27.
He stressed the importance of collaboration to anticipate the movement.
"To anticipate this movement, we need to increase the collaboration of various parties, especially from scholars, scholars, to Islamic thinkers," he added.
Previously, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) said HTI had not fallen even though it had been dissolved and banned in Indonesia in 2017. BNPT also said HTI was camouflaged to spread the ideology of caliphate in Indonesia.
This was confirmed by former member of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Ayik Heriansyah, who assessed that HTI still exists today and is camouflaged in echoing the caliphate ideology. According to him, HTI is difficult to overthrow because they are an ideological movement.
According to him, as long as there are still people who believe in the HTI ideology, as long as there is HTI. "HTI's life depends on his ideology," said the former leader of HTI Bangka Belitung.
According to him, the "Metamorphosshow" themed event at TMII is Hizbut Tahrir's annual agenda around the world.
"HTI continues to hold events in a limited and rather closed manner with various forms of disguise. For example, the commemoration of Isra Mikraj with the name Metamorphosshow at TMII. Even though it contains an indoctrination of the caliphate," said Ayik.
He appealed to the public to continue to communicate and coordinate with the authorities if they knew there was a HTI movement under any guise so that it could be anticipated quickly and accurately.