Intention To Be Monitored To Be Nursed, 4-year-old Toddlers Are Even Bitten By Stepfathers In South Tangerang

JAKARTA - A toddler with the initials A (4) became a victim of abuse by his stepfather when entrusted by the victim's biological mother in the South Tangerang area.

The incident occurred when the victim was entrusted by the victim's biological mother to her stepfather. Meanwhile, the victim's biological mother lives in a house in Malacca Jaya, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered injuries to the eyes and bites to his hands and entire body. According to information from Nita, the victim's biological mother, the incident occurred 2 weeks ago when A was raised by his stepfather with the initials J.

"It happened in Tangerang. The red is about two weeks ago. It has been reported to the Resort Police (Tangerang), five days ago. It has also been post-mortem," Nita told reporters in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, Tuesday, February 27.

Currently, the eye condition of this toddler still has a red mark on the left. The victim's condition began to recover since being treated by his biological mother after the torture allegedly carried out by his stepfather.

"Yes, from then on I said, my son was here (Jakarta). When I took a shower, I was surprised that his body was all bitten by his body. There I was furious with him (husband), I sat in a chair and I immediately scolded him (husband)," he said.

Apparently the anger of the victim's mother was greeted with physical violence by the perpetrator who was her continued husband. The victim's mother also got violence from the perpetrator.

"He didn't accept it, then I kicked him with him (the perpetrator) until I fell. I was bitten, my body was also bitten by him. I couldn't fight back," he said.

Nita hopes that the police will immediately arrest the perpetrators for the acts of abuse experienced by her son and himself.