Witness At The Trial Reveals Brother-in-law Of Ex-Walkot Bima Allegedly Misappropriated Project Funds Of IDR 1.95 Billion

MATARAM- Muhammad Makdis, who is the brother-in-law of the Mayor of Bima for the period 2018 to 2023, Muhammad Lutfi, has revealed that he misappropriated the funds for the Nungga Toweri Cs road widening project worth Rp1.95 billion.

The misappropriation of funds from the first disbursement of the project term in the Highways Division of the Bima City PUPR Service in 2019 was revealed from the testimony of the Director of PT Risala Jaya Konstruksi RohficoAlfiansyah in a follow-up trial of the Muhammad Lutfi corruption case at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara.

"That was November 5, 2019, four days after the first term of the Nungga Toweri project of Rp. 2.7 billion was disbursed, entered the account of PT Risala. I was ordered by Mrs. Nafila (Muhammad Makdis's wife) to withdraw Rp. 1 billion to the official residence of the Mayor of Bima," said Rohfico as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 26.

During the withdrawal, Rohfico admitted that he had confirmed to Muhammad Makdis alias Dedi as Branch Head of PT Risala Jaya Konstruksi.

"So, I will confirm the withdrawal order from Mrs. Nafila first to Mr. Makdis," he said.

Arriving at the official residence of the Mayor of Bima, Rohfico admitted that he accidentally met the wife of the defendant, Ellya Alwaini.

"When I met (Ellya Alwaini), I was immediately asked if you brought it? I answered the money. Yes, just deposit it into Makdis's account," said the witness.

With this order, Rohfico immediately took the money to the bank and deposited it in cash into another account from PT Risala Jaya Konstruksi which is under Muhammad Makdis's control.

Furthermore, the second withdrawal was worth Rp. 350 million from the first term of funds on November 5, 2019. The witness admitted to withdrawing money on the orders of Nafila, Muhammad Makdis's wife.

"Take him to the official residence of the Mayor of Bima. Until there, he was told to put the money into Mr. Lutfi's car. The car keys were given to Mrs. Nafila, all of them were told to heat up the car, finish it, take Mrs. Ellya to the gold shop," he said.

Then, there was another withdrawal of IDR 500 million from the first termin fund. The money was withdrawn in the form of a banking check.

"At that time, the head of the PUPR service at that time, Mr. Amin, gave a check of Rp. 500 million to Salmin, who had a car showroom. Salmin is Mr. Makdis' older brother," he said.

There was also a withdrawal of Rp. 100 million, but the witness admitted that he forgot about the need for the withdrawal of the money.

Rohfico's testimony was also stated in the investigation report at the KPK investigation level. The prosecutor in the indictment also included the total value of Rp1.95 billion from the disbursement of the first term of the project worth Rp6.75 billion as part of the number of losses in corruption cases.

"That's why, because of the many withdrawals, this project was made by an addendum, continued the following year. At that time I disappeared to Mataram, because until the end of the work in December 2019, the progress was only 10 percent, I was in charge of the project," said the witness.