Affirming That No Country Is Immune To Law, Foreign Minister Retno Reminds International Courts As Goalkeepers Of Justice

JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized that none of the countries in the world are above the law, reminding the role of the International Court (ICJ) as guardians of justice.

Foreign Minister Retno was present at a court in The Hague, Belada on Friday, to express her opinion in a trial regarding Palestinian occupation issues by Israel.

Citing a legal saying that no one can enjoy legal advantages from illegal acts, Foreign Minister Retno said Israel's efforts to make its permanent occupation would never be a legal basis, demanding legal rights to Palestinian territory.

"In line with this, all countries and the United Nations must not recognize the illegal situation arising from violations of international law by Israel," Foreign Minister Retno said in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday, February 23.

"All countries must not provide any assistance to maintain such violations. In addition, all states and the United Nations must also ensure Israel's right to compliance with its obligations under international law," Foreign Minister Retno explained.

Underlining that no country is above the law, Foreign Minister Retno called for the sincerity of the Court to be upheld.=

"Therefore, let's think about this question: Let the international community continue to allow Israel to manipulate the use of international law to justify their illegal actions against the basic rights of the Palestinian people? For Indonesia, we will not," explained Foreign Minister Retno.

"And once again, the hope is in this court, because this court is the guardian of justice," he said.

On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno also presented her arguments against the arguments of a number of those who considered that the advisory opinion requested by ICJ would damage the peace process.

Foreign Minister Retno explained that Israel has consistently blocked the two-state negotiated solution in line with international law and relevant UN resolutions. Israel has even avoided negotiations through various strategy.

Despite the rhetoric of peace, the successive Israeli government has publicly expressed their rejection of the Peace Process, including by declaring the Oslo Agreement bad by law.

Last November, he continued, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu boasted and would be quoted as saying: "I am proud to have prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state"

Along with this attitude, Israel only took unilateral action without involving Palestinians, let alone fulfilling their interests.

"Israel has never been interested in any peace process," he said.

Foreign Minister Retno said the Court would make a positive contribution to the peace process by presenting additional legal elements for a comprehensive resolution of disputes.

A true and lasting peace process can only be achieved if it is carried out consistently with international law. Therefore, the opinion of the International Court is indispensable.

"The opinion of the Court is also useful to guide future steps that must be taken by the United Nations and all countries," said Foreign Minister Retno.

"Therefore, Indonesia said there was no reason to reject the request on the basis, it would risk delegitizing the future prospects of the peace process," he said.