Ganjar To Volunteers: If You Want To Protest In A Good Way

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo reminded his volunteers to maintain a conducive situation after the 2024 presidential election. Do not spread fake news or hoaxes and convey objections about fraud in a good way. This was conveyed by Ganjar after meeting with his volunteers at the Presidential Winning Volunteer Coordinating Team Secretariat (TKRPP), Menteng, Central Jakarta. He said, protests are okay but the important thing is to maintain security. "If anyone wants to protest, who wants to convey, convey it in a good way," Ganjar told reporters after the event, Friday, February 23. Ganjar admitted that he heard many stories from volunteers about the conditions on the ground. But, he did not want to specify what he heard., "But I remind his friends, one, don't be a hoax, we must maintain unity, we respect the ongoing process so that the atmosphere can be conducive," said the former Governor of Central Java.

On that occasion, Ganjar also thanked the volunteers. Because, they are still overseeing the recapitulation of the voice. "I am surprised that they are proud, yes, so touched that they have followed the entire process to this day," he concluded.