Cause Of Tornado: Watch Out! This Disaster Is Ready To Appear At Any Time In Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA - The cause of the formation of a white wind can occur due to natural factors. A tornado is a strong wind vortex with a speed of 120 kilometers/hour or more. This natural disaster often occurs during the transitional season. So what is the cause of the tornado?

Recognizing the causes of the formation of hurricanes can avoid casualties. Because, tornadoes are natural disasters that are difficult to predict and generally occur on a local scale.

A tornado can cause damage to houses and fallen trees. This destruction can harm the affected communities. Recognizing the trigger for the formation of a tornado and its signs can make us alert when a tornado strikes again.

We will review the following triggers for the formation of tornadoes and their characteristics that have been summarized from various sources.

Getting To Know The Tornado

According to Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, hurricanes are defined as strong winds that suddenly arrive, have a center, move circularly to match spirals with a speed of 40-50 kilometers/hour to touch the earth's surface and will disappear in a short time (3-5 minutes). Tornadoes often occur in the tropics between the north and south lines, except in areas very close to the equator.

Whirlwinds moving from the ocean can mix sea water under it and the center causes large waves (badai). The center of a low-pressure wind storm will form a large water dome. This water dome will become a flood if a hurricane hits the mainland.

The trigger for the formation of hurricanes is the cause of pressure in a weather system. This disaster occurs very much during the transition or transition period of the dry season, and often occurs during the day when the temperature feels hot and stuffy.

The trigger for the formation of hurricanes is the reason for the upflow of the air rising with strong enough pressure due to differences in cold and hot temperatures in the clouds. In this process, the rain has not yet fallen because water points are still held back by the air moving upwards. After that, the phase will arrive at a time when the water points can no longer be held back by the air leading upwards.

So that the rain will fall and bring the air current down. This process will give rise to a swiping force between the up and down air currents. The friction will get bigger and make the temperature around it very cold. The greater the friction, the stronger the flow of the air will be, the stronger it will form the cyclone.

The wind speed produced is generally above 63 km per hour. Generally, the trigger for the formation of hurricanes will be accompanied by heavy rain. If the rising air mass is no longer present, the air will spread throughout the clouds and tornadoes will weaken after it stops. Tornadoes generally occur in a very short duration, which is only about 5 minutes. However, the impact of the resulting damage can be very severe for the community. Moreover, sometimes it causes casualties.

Characteristics of Beliung Puting Wind

In addition, it is better to read: BNPB Calls Indonesia Including 35 Countries in the World High Risk of Facing Disasters so that they can be even more alert in case of disasters at your place.

So after knowing the cause of the tornado, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!