KAI Commuter Will Add 8 New KRL Series, Stafsus Erick Thohir: Make It In INKA Again

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia or KAI Commuter plans to add 8 new KRL series or trainers.

This plan is carried out to meet the needs of the services that are carried out in the future.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, said that the procurement of the 8 trainsets would be ordered to PT Industri Kereta Api or INKA.

However, he stressed that this also needs to consider the aspect of INKA's ability in the future.

"There are 8 more or how many are still not for procurement, the plan is also for INKA. But we haven't given it and tendered it yet. But we are also looking for funding as well as PMN for INKA so we can do the project," he said when met in the Central Jakarta area, Wednesday, February 21.

For your information, currently there are 19 series of KRLs that are undergoing retrofitting at INKA. In addition to retrofitting, KAI Commuter also ordered 16 new series from INKA. To wait for the average produced by INKA to be completed, import 3 new KRL from CRRC Sifang, China became the choice.

According to Arya, INKA took about 16 months to retrofit KRL. Therefore, he said his party would continue to monitor the ability and production capacity of INKA to fulfill the additional 8 KRL series orders again.

"So basically, what we send to INKA is to be retrofited, it takes 16 months, the other 8 have no procurement process, just wait," he said.

"Yes, we just trust it, but the capacity is also seen, with a recondition with something new, they can do it or not," he continued.

KAI Commuter Plans To Import 8 New KRL

Previously, it was reported that PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) or KAI Commuter planned to purchase 8 new trainsets or a series of electric train (KRL). The plan has entered the current procurement planning stage.

KAI Commuter VP Corporate Secretary Anne Purba said the preparation process for the new KRL procurement needs to be carried out from now on, in line with monitoring of the work process from INKA. He said, these 8 new trainsets were outside the import of 3 new KRL from China.

Furthermore, Anne said, this is also outside the procurement of 16 new KRL series from INKA and 19 reactive series that INKA is also working on.

"So we want to see first what the retrofit will be for our KRL, which we have to monitor and mitigate, minimize delay problems, so that the 8 procurement preparations have now started again," he said at a press conference, at the KCI office, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 6.

Anne explained that the procurement of the new 8 KRLs will go through an auction process. The auction aims to determine who will handle the request.

"Yes, you have to (auction) right. So this is the stage. This is currently preparing for procurement," he said.

However, Anne did not mention the source of the new KRL procurement later. He said he was still waiting for further processes.

Even so, continued Anne, this procurement plan is in anticipation of delays in the retrofitting process which is currently being carried out by PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) or INKA.