Party Votes Fulfill Target, Golkar Admits Thanks To Prabowo's Endorsement

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the Golkar Party DPP, Maman Abdurrahman, said that his party's vote acquisition in the 2024 General Election had met the target. Maman admitted that the increase in Golkar votes in the 2024 DPR Legislative Member Election (Pileg) was endorsed or the effect of the tail of Jasdari carrying the presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

The reason is, according to Maman, Prabowo often promotes Golkar Party candidates to voters when campaigning in a number of Indonesian regions.

"We have to admit, this (Golkar's voice goes up, ed) is also thanks to the endorsement from Pak Prabowo at several points," said Maman in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 21.

Maman revealed, when viewed from the preliminary results of the General Election Commission (KPU), the Golkar party was in second place with 15 percent. This, he said, was in accordance with his party's target to get seats in parliament as much as 14-15 percent.

"Based on the quick count, it has been calculated, namely the range of the achievement of the Golkar Party at 14-15 percent. The question is, is this in accordance with the target? It is appropriate. Because our target is 14-15 percent," he said.

It is known, based on the results of a quick count or quick count conducted by the Indonesian Political Indicators, the Golkar Party was listed as the party with the second-highest vote in the DPR RI Legislative Election, which was 14.97 percent of the vote. As for the 2019 election, Golkar was the party with the third-largest vote, namely 12.31 percent of the vote.

Maman explained, in every Golkar Party campaign in several regions, Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto always promotes the legislative candidates promoted by the banyan party. The Golkar candidate from the West Kalimantan electoral district also admitted that he saluted Prabowo's attitude. Given that Prabowo is also the General Chair of the Gerindra Party.

"He can position himself in the middle. This can be seen from the distribution of the increase in votes not only in Gerindra, but in all coalition parties (Pribowo-Gibran supporters). We are a thumbs up and we are very grateful to Pak Prabowo," explained Maman.