Honorary Teacher Woman In Musi Rawas Arrested For Saving 51 Grams Of Shabu

PALEMBANG - Musi Rawas Police, South Sumatra, investigated the case of an honorary teacher who was caught storing 51.46 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

Kasat Narkoba Musi Rawas Police AKP M Romi explained that RD (33) is a female employee at an elementary school in Musi Rawas.

"RD was arrested, Monday, February 19, 2024 because he was found suspected of keeping methamphetamine on a mattress," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 21.

The investigation was carried out to find out the extent to which the person concerned was involved with the drugs.

The methamphetamine has been wrapped in 68 plastic clips and RD admits it really belongs to him.

The suspect violated Article 114 paragraph (2) and/or Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, with a minimum threat of four years and a maximum of 12 years and a minimum fine of Rp. 800,000,000.00 (Eight hundreds of millions of rupiah).

He also invited the public to continue to take part in eradicating narcotics because thanks to reports from the public, the RD case was successfully arrested.