Ganjar Highlights Rice Price Of IDR 19 Thousand Per Kg: Market Operations Should Be

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo highlighted the current price of rice reaching IDR 19 thousand per kilogram (kg). He said the anomaly had to be addressed by the government because the situation was urgent.

"Actually, the rice anomaly is expensive. Yesterday I asked if it reached Rp. 19 thousand to Rp. 20 thousand per kilogram. What should have been done was market operations," said Ganjar in a written statement, Wednesday, February 21.

Ganjar said market operations were more needed than providing social assistance (bansos). Moreover, the momentum of the general election (election) has been completed.

"If the social assistance is (given, ed) to help the community, it's a good story but the momentum of the election fit will be a different interpretation," he said.

"Today, the price of rice has increased, not social assistance but market operations," continued the former Governor of Central Java.

The government, continued Ganjar, must take this rice price increase seriously. Do not let the public object when they want to buy basic necessities.

"If not, then like yesterday I toured the price of Rp. 14 thousand to Rp. 15 thousand and now it's up to Rp. 19 thousand I think it's cool for the government. Immediately all instruments are lowered. I don't think this management is difficult, just need it," he concluded.