Ministry Of Transportation: Airports In Papua Continue To Operate After Aircraft Shooting

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (Ditjen Hubud) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) ensured that airports in Papua remained operational after two aircraft shooting incidents occurred in Beoga and Dekai on February 16 and 17, 2024.

The Directorate General of Hubud continues to monitor the flight situation in the Papua region and ensures that airports or airfields are still operating for the purpose of mobilizing people and distributing logistics.

"Given that these areas in Papua are remote and remote areas that can only be reached by air transportation modes with pioneering flight services, both airports and airports are still operated for the purpose of mobilizing people and distributing logistics," said Director General of Air Transportation M. Kristi Endah Murni in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday.

It is known that Beoga Airport is located in Puncak Regency, Central Papua. Meanwhile, Nopjad Dekai Airport is located in Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Hubud, the rhythm of incidents in Papua occurs between October and May every year continuously. Therefore, to mitigate similar incidents so that they do not happen again, the Ministry of Transportation through the Airport Authority Office (OBU) Region X Merauke has issued a circular regarding flight security in its working area.

"Regarding frequent shooting cases, we at the center continue to coordinate intensely with the airport through an intensive flight safety and security post, where this post aims to collect data on airport security conditions no later than three hours in the OBU X Merauke Working Area," said Kristi.

In addition, the post is also a means of coordination in providing mitigation directions that are deemed necessary. Data on airport conditions were then reported to the head office through the Directorate of Aviation Security.

Following up on the incident, the Directorate General of Hubud will then also send a letter to the local Police Chief and the Regional Military Commander so that there is a security guarantee, because the shooting incident of the plane will affect pioneering flight services so that adjustments are needed.

In addition, it is necessary to estimate the distance and point of attack so that the Head of OBU and the Heads of the Airport Organizing Unit (UPBU) can coordinate with security forces, local governments, church councils, and Forkopimda to carry out security at these estimation points as a mitigation measure.

"If there is an increase in the security situation that cannot be tolerated in the airport area, I direct the Head of OBU and the Head of local UPBU to intensively coordinate with regard to airport security to carry out prevention mitigation so that flight operations can run properly," he said.

Kristi also asked his staff in each area that is prone to security to tighten security when they want to take off and land, even though the attack was not carried out in the airport area.

He asked airlines operating in Papua to carry out Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) at a time of preparation to ensure the destination is completely safe.

"Mitigation at each airport is different, it must be discussed together to facilitate supervision of the security aspect. We know that flight services in Papua are vital, especially related to logistics distribution, need coordination to ensure and ensure that flight safety and security are met," said Kristi.