3 Basic Needs For Improved Bodies, Sufficient To Stay Healthy

YOGYAKARTA The body is like a house that needs to be kept healthy. However, many people fail to meet the basic needs of the physical body. Although there is mental health that is as important as physical health, it is important for us to explore and understand what has been done in protecting the body and has a significant effect on the future. Here, three basic needs of the body that determine health.

Research shows that quality sleep helps improve mood and energy, regulate appetite, improve the immune function, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sleep also supports memory resistance, cognitive function, and the ability to learn new skills and problem solving.

When getting a good night's sleep, we give the time the body and brain need to recover, improve, and recover. Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, February 21, since 1985, since 1985, the average number of people sleeping less than 6 hours per day has increased by 31 percent. The average number of sleep is currently reported at 6.8 hours, compared to nine to ten hours at 50 years ago. It is estimated that 45 percent of the world's population has problems with sleep. Based on these data, it is important for you to reidentify and improve your daily sleep routine.

A diet culture was born since the 19th century and teaches how to get nutrients practiced. But have you done well, not destroying the body's nutritional needs? According to Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Ed.D., if we go through a wrong diet, it means we fail to keep our bodies healthy.

The body needs nutrients throughout the day to function. Intuitive diets, can be an alternative to gripping maintaining a healthy relationship with the foods we eat. This not only supports physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being.

Food is an important element in keeping the body's biological elements working effectively. Eating is also not a gift or punishment. That means, you have to eat enough nutrients that the body needs.

Research reports that people often do not exercise on the grounds of lack of motivation, affordability, lack of interest, or little energy. It is important to note, starting sports from lack of often perpetuate limitations. Moving the body is one way the brain and body understand stress. The body is also designed to move. For regular exercise, you also don't have to be a professional athlete.

Regular exercise, useful for many things. This includes reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, viral infection, reducing depression and anxiety, as well as increasing energy levels, mental and cognitive functions.

The three needs above are the most basic but most often neglected for health. So it is important to continue to live the basic needs of the body above so that you continue to take care of your body wisely and healthily.