Telan Rp66.55 Billion, Renovation Of North Sumatra's Sibolga Nauli Market Completed
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the renovation of the Sibolga Nauli Market in Sibolga City, North Sumatra.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S. Atmawidjaja said that the existence of the Sibolga Nauli Market, apart from being a means of trading for various basic needs of the community, is also part of a tourism service because it is located close to the Sibolga City coastal tourism destination.
"It is hoped that with quality market infrastructure, people can feel direct benefits, especially in obtaining affordable staples and also enjoying an even turnover of the real sector or MSMEs," said Endra in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, February 21.
According to the contract, the Sibolga Nauli Market Renovation has been carried out since June 26, 2021 by PT Tureloto Battu Indah as the implementing contractor with a state budget fee of Rp66.55 billion.
The market building itself has an area of 11.421 square meters with 1,265 kiosks and stalls, equipped with facilities for the manager's office, toilets, prayer rooms and others.
This market development refers to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 43 of 2019 concerning Development, Rehabilitation, or Renovation of People's Markets, Higher Education Infrastructure, Islamic Religious Universities and Basic and Secondary Education Units.
Market designs are also adapted to environmental conditions that maintain local wisdom values. Thus, it is hoped that traders will feel more comfortable and proud to have a selling stall at Sibolga Nauli Market.
With the completion of this market work in 2022, traders at Nauli Sibolga Market also expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of PUPR and the Sibolga City Government.
One of the traders named Uning Rama Pasaribu said that now the market building facilities and infrastructure are adequate.
"The facilities are adequate, both in terms of security and comfort. What we need the most here for fish sellers is water. So far, we have got clean water quite smoothly," he said.