Polda Metro Regarding Aiman Witjaksono Status: Journalists Not Holding Press Conferences

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya concluded that Aiman Witjaksono was not a journalist when conveying the alleged 'not neutral police' during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). This is because journalists are in charge of covering, not being resource persons.

"Wartawan tidak melakukan konferensi pers, wartawan meliputi jalannya konferensi pers," ujar Kabid Hukum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Leonardus Simamarta dalam persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Selasa, 20 Februari.

The conclusion is based on several things, one of which is the results of expert examinations from the Press Council.

Leonardus said, during a press conference on November 11, Aiman Witjaksono did not carry out journalistic activities regulated in the Press Law.

"The activities carried out by Aiman Witjaksono, as one of the speakers and Spokesperson for TPN in the press conference, are not in the context of carrying out journalistic activities as regulated in the Press Law," he said.

"So the person concerned cannot be called a journalist, when he is a resource person and a spokesperson for TPN," continued Leonardus.

Moreover, referring to data from the General Elections Commission (KPU), Aiman has the status of a politician from the Perindo Party on the List of Permanent Candidates (DCT) on November 4.

In addition, investigators also referred to the leave approval letter issued by the company where Aiman Witjaksono works. Where, the leave period will be effective at the end of November 2023

"Mulai efektif cuti pada tanggal 28 November 2023 dan pemohon tidak lagi menjalankan tugas profesional wartawan sejak tanggal 28 November 2023," kata Leonardo.