Getting To Know The Opposition In The Government, Has An Important Role In Check And Balance

YOGYAKARTA - Opposition is a term that is often heard when talking about politics. In the political dynamics of a country, the opposition has a role in supervising and criticizing government policies. However, not many people know the opposition in government and its functions in politics.

Oppositions can be likened to opposing parties or opponents of the elite government rulers. Usually, the opposition will conflict with policies or programs imposed by the government.

Although it seems negative, the presence of the opposition is needed to maintain a balance in the power of a country. In order to understand further, let's get to know what the opposition is in government and its role.

Opposition can be defined as a group of people or political parties that are against or criticize the policies of the government or political parties in power. Simply put, the opposition is a position opposite to the government.

Based on the KBBI, the opposition is a party opposed to the representative council and so on that opposes and criticizes the opinions or political wisdom of the ruling group. The term opposition comes from the word English opposition' which means opposite.

In political contestation, there are opponents and friends or one group. The opposing party is called the opposition because it contradicts the policies of the other party. Meanwhile, friends are called a coalition because they agreed on a policy or not to contradict each other.

In the political context of a country, the opposition can have different views and are ideologically opposed or a vision for the government. The parties in opposition are generally a combination of several parties or more than one political party.

Parties that are on the opposition side have positions outside the government coalition for a certain period. For example, during the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from the Democratic party, the opposition at that time was the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

In the 2024 election, PDIP is predicted to return to being the government's opposition for failing to win the presidential election. Meanwhile, in the legislative election, the red party bearing the bull logo won the highest votes. As representatives of the people, PDIP candidates are expected to be able to criticize and supervise the performance of the new government.

The existence of the opposition has an important role as a supervisor andbanger (Check and balances) in government or executive policies. The opposition will always criticize government policies if programs or policies are found that do not run according to the law.

Opposition will carry out a massive movement to be able to oversee the running of the government. That is why the opposition has great support from many people to be able to prevent the practice of abuse of power.

The opposition does not have a complete influence on regulating or changing government policies directly. But what is clear is that the opposition has a more flexible and objective ability and movement in supervising and criticizing government policies.

Here are some of the opposition functions in the government that are important to understand:

Such is the review of knowing the opposition in a country's government or politics. As a party that is at odds with the government or the holder of power, the presence of the opposition has an important role in supervising and criticizing policies so that it can run according to the interests of the people and the state. Also read PDIP was forced to become an opposition to the Prabowo-Gibran government.

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