High Rice Prices Are Expensive, Airlangga And Zulhas Prepare Anticipating

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas met with the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto at the Office of the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

Zulhas revealed that the discussions were carried out regarding the situation and conditions of rice and basic necessities ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 2024 and would prepare various anticipations amid the scarcity and high price of premium rice in the markets.

"I also just reported to the Coordinating Minister, I went around to modern markets, now in modern retail, some of the premium rice is taken, some don't because the HET is 69 more, even though they bought it on average it was 75, in the end they didn't take premium rice, but some dared to take it, sell it on HET," said Zulhas at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Monday, February 19.

Zulhas admitted that the problem with the current high price of rice is due to the very limited supply, both for premium and medium rice.

"So yes, the supply is increased, there is no other choice

According to Zulhas, there are two strategies to fulfill supply, first asking Bulog to more often issue rice for the Stabilization of Supply and Food Prices (SPHP) from which every two weeks becomes more routine, and secondly accelerates the realization of rice imports of 2 million tons for this year.

"So the gelontor means that what is usually from entrepreneurs, now traders can also take it directly. But the most important thing is this traditional market, right, traditional markets can't buy directly to Bulog, the conditions are that there must be a lot of this, there is this, the traders are males," said Zulhas.

Furthermore, Airlangga added that the meeting discussed the importance of anticipating the increase in the prices of basic commodities, including rice, ahead of Eid al-Fitr, which is a factor in increasing inflation drivers.

"Everything we discuss about other basic necessities, that's why it's important that Mr. Zulhas really control the price. So we ask that nine basic commodities can be available because my business is inflation. Because if this is inflation, I'm afraid it will increase," said Airlangga.

Airlangga added that in the near future there will be a national economic survey so that goods must be completely controlled and present.