4 Reasons For Walking Can Improve Brain Performance

YOGYAKARTA - Scientifically tested walking is useful for body health, one of which is improving brain performance. Want to know what are the reasons for walking can improve brain performance?

The study found, dancing and walking were able to improve brain health which tended to decline along with increasing age.

This is related to white matter in the brain that changes when a moving person is more physically active.

Other research also shows that walking is able to fight Alzheimer's, a brain disease that causes memory shrinkage and thinking ability. Then, why are you walking to improve brain performance?

Reporting from various sources, here are the reasons why walking can improve brain performance:

1. Strengthening Neurogenesis

Exercise of any type, including the kai road in particular, is able to strengthen neurogenesis.

Quoted from The New York Times, a person who starts a regular sporting program will produce a larger brain volume.

Research shows that the brain in people who are active will maintain their plasticity for life.

Recent research published in NeuroImage in June 2021 found that groups of pedestrians and dancers were more aerobically fit.

Meanwhile, members of control groups who do not exercise aerobically, show a decline in the health of white matter after 6 months, with a decrease as well as greater accon damage and a decrease in cognitive scores.

2. Memory Increases

New research from the University of Maryland says walking can strengthen internal connections and among 3 brain tissues, including tissues that are adrift of Alzheimer's disease.

Research published in the Journal for Alzheimer's Disease Reports in May 2023 is based on previous research showing that walking can reduce brain blood flow and increase the role of the brain in the elderly with mild cognitive disorders.

Reporting from Neuro Science, the research linked 30 participants aged 71-85 years. They were asked to walk on a treadmill 4 times a week for 12 weeks.

Before and after the training program, researchers asked participants to read a short story and after that repeat it out loud in as much detail as possible.

As a result, researchers saw a significant increase in the ability to remember the stories of the participants.

3. Increased concentration

Neural experts and board-certified psychiatrist at Apollo Neuroscience, Dave Rabin explained, walking is included in sports that increase a person's concentration.

"This stimulates physiological changes, such as decreased insulin resistance and inflammation, as well as producing chemical production that affects the growth of new blood vessels in the brain," he said, quoted by Well Good.

4. Improve Brain Health

Not only that, Rabin also conveyed the fact that walking can increase blood flow to the brain which results in good results for the organs, especially in the human body.

The increase in blood flow to the brain will trigger the release of endorphins that increase mood and feelings of prosperity.

"Research shows that after only 6 months of regular walking, participants have better cardiovascular fitness, as well as increased memory," said Rabin.

Recent research shows that 4.000 steps per day can improve brain health. However, Rabin recommends that you walk for at least 30 minutes every day.

"It is recommended to try walking for at least 30 minutes a day, but remember that 10 minutes is better than none at all," he said.

The more you walk, the greater the chance of feeling and seeing an increase in brain function. To build the habit of walking, you can start by putting it in the routine every day.

Start by getting used to walking from one point to another. You can also enter your walking routine in the morning before your activity, you can start it at a short duration, after which it increases over time.

In addition, read also: 'Manfaat Street 30 Minutes Every Day' so that you are more confident in implementing it.

So after knowing the reason why walking can improve brain performance, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!