Tips For Protecting PR And Marketing Assets From Cyber Attacks

JAKARTA - global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky said cybercriminals could target company assets managed by public relations and marketing (marketing) for certain malicious purposes.

The attacks were quite diverse, including via email, advertising platforms, social media channels, and other promotion sites. Therefore, in-depth protection is needed.

The following are the steps that must be taken by the marketing and Public Relations department to keep the company's assets safe:

Organizing cybersecurity awareness training across marketing departments regularly Ensures all employees comply with the best practices of codewords and mandatory two-factor authentication usage, especially for social networks, mail delivery tools, and ad management platforms Eliminate the practice of using one codeword for all employees requiring access to corporate social networks or other online tools Ensuring employees to access mail/advertising tools and website admin panels only from fully protected work devices according to company standards Urge employees to install comprehensive protection on private computers Introducing mandatory outbound practices from letter/advertising platforms and other similar accounts if not used Remember to revoke access to social networks, letter/advertising platforms, and website admins as soon as employees leave the company Regularly reviewing the list of email being sent and ongoing ads, along with detailed web site traffic analysis to find anomalies at a proper time Ensure all software used on websites and on work computers is updated periodically to the latest version ofBekerja in collaboration with website support contractors to implement validation and sanitation of forms, in particular to ensure that links cannot be incorporated into areas that are not intended for such purposes.