Residents Of Kodam Jaya Kemayoran Heboh, Bajaj Driver And Jukir Kejaran In Alfamart
JAKARTA Residents of Kodam Jaya, Sumur Batu, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta were shocked by the commotion between the Bajaj driver and the illegal parking attendant (jukir). How not, the commotion led to the persecution that made Alfamart on Jalan Kodam, a mess. In fact, the blood spill also graced the minimarket floor.
The commotion occurred on Saturday, February 17th. Luckily, the perpetrator was arrested immediately after the police received a report from local residents.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police, AKP Fauzan, when confirmed, explained that one of the perpetrators was arrested. The other perpetrators are still being chased.
"Members are still in the field to pursue the other two perpetrators," said AKP Fauzan, Sunday, February 18.
As a result of the incident, two victims were injured by sharp weapons. However, the police did not explain in detail the status of the injured victims as a result of the commotion, whether from the Bajaj driver or the parking attendant.
"So far there have been two victims and have been taken to the hospital," he said.
Although one of the perpetrators has been arrested, Fauzan continued, his party is still investigating the motive for the commotion.
"We are still investigating the cause of the commotion," he said.