There Is A Discourse On Toll Roads In IKN Can Be Used To Charge Electric Car Battery

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the State Capital Infrastructure Development Task Force (IKN) revealed that toll roads at IKN can be applied to electric car battery charging technology when crossing the toll road.

"The implementation of road technology that can recharge electric cars on the IKN toll road is still in the form of concepts and implementation carried out in stages," said the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) for the Implementation of IKN Infrastructure Development Danis Sumadilaga in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday 16 February.

According to Danis, this technology has been implemented in several European countries to support electric car users when running while recharging car batteries.

"Earlier on the toll road where we will try one segment later. So after paving, later there will be a certain layer installation on the toll road," he said.

Road technology that can charge this electric car can also be tested in the parking area.

Currently, the progress of the IKN Access Toll Road construction has increased its contracts to sections 5B, 6A and 6B to reach the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN.

Regarding the 5B section, the construction also includes access to IKN VVIP Airport.

The progress of the IKN Access Toll Road construction as of February 8 for each section, namely section 3A, reaching 69.7 percent, section 3B 69.0 percent, section 5A reaching 77.5 percent.

Meanwhile, the 5B section only contracted about 3-4 months ago with a progress of around 12 percent. Sections 6A and 6B require land-related support.

"We are targeting the functional to be passed in one direction in August 2024. We will try," said Danis.

This IKN toll road can shorten the distance from Balikpapan to KIPP IKN which was originally passed the Balikpapan-Samarinda (Balsam) and Lintas Sepaku toll roads which took about 2 hours 15 minutes with a distance of 95 km, to only about 45 minutes with a distance of 57 km.

This toll road network connects Balikpapan City with KIPP IKN in North Penajam Paser, mainly crossing the IKN Toll Road and the Balang Island Bridge.

On this toll road, Kalimantan's endemic trees are also planted along the left and left sides of the road, according to IKN's principle as a forest city and smart city (smart forest city).