Housewives With 100.1 Grams Of Methamphetamine Arrested At Central Kalimantan Palm Oil Plantation, Suppliers Hunted

The Central Kalimantan Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP Kalteng) arrested a housewife (IRT) with the initials LM who had 100.1 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

Head of BNNP Central Kalimantan Brigadier General Joko Setiono said LM had been named a suspect detained at the BNNP Central Kalimantan Detention Center (Rutan).

"This case is also still being investigated, because the suspect got that many drugs from an unknown woman from Sampit City, East Kotawaringin," Joko said in Palangka Raya, Friday, February 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

Joko explained that this arrest was based on information from the public regarding the shipment of methamphetamine-type drug packages to Sampit City.

Responding to him, the BNNP team moved to conduct an investigation. The suspect LM, who is a resident of Hampalit Village, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency, was then arrested on Jalan Tjilik Riwut Km 18, Hampalit Village on Thursday, February 1.

During a search of the suspect, members of the Central Kalimantan BNNP received a plastic clip containing 100.1 grams of methamphetamine.

"From LM's statement, the illicit goods will be circulated in Hampalit Village, which is none other than to mining areas and oil palm plantations," he said.

After arresting LM, BNNP Central Kalimantan will also continue to trace the mysterious woman said by LM as a supplier of these illicit goods to the suspect.

"We are still investigating the supplier of the goods which is said to be in Sampit City," said Joko.

Against LM's intention, BNNP Central Kalimantan suspects Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Meanwhile, the threat of imprisonment is a minimum of 20 years in prison and a maximum of life.

In addition, the 100.1 gram methamphetamine was immediately destroyed by the Central Kalimantan BNNP to avoid misuse and so on. The destruction is carried out by dissolving into the water and mixed with floor cleaning fluid.