The Duties Of The DPD RI: Here's The Retail

YOGYAKARTA - After the amendment to the 1945 Constitution was made, Indonesia's constitutional system experienced very dynamic growth. As a result, the existing state administration system and carried out continues to shift. Curious what are the tasks of the DPD RI?

Well, one of the results of this dynamic growth is the birth of the Regional Representative Council or what is usually abbreviated as DPD. In the current state administration system, DPD is included as a high state institution such as the House of Representatives (DPR), or the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

Getting To Know DPD RI

Before basing on the duties and authorities of the DPD, let's start with the understanding of the DPD itself,

because as the saying goes, 'don't know'. So, in short, the Regional Representative Council (DPD) is a high state institution in the Indonesian state administration system.

DPD members are representatives of each province that are directly selected by the people through general elections. For each province, it takes 4 DPD members who will represent their regions at the center.

There is also a DPD term that is the same as the President and also the DPR, which is 5 years. After the election ends, elected DPD members will live in the nation's capital of the Republic of Indonesia.

In short, the DPD only has the authority to submit a certain draft law to the DPR as explained by article 22D paragraph 1. After that, the fate of the draft law is in the hands of the DPR entirely. Will the DPR discuss further or even stop until the submission of the concept from the DPD to the DPR.

In addition, it is better to read: 'What Is Abuse Of Power' so that you are quite literate in the law.

So after knowing the duties of the DPD RI, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!