SpaceX Supports Space Sustainability Through Starlink Control

JAKARTA SpaceX, a private space company, is committed to maintaining space security. This needs to be done to protect all astronauts and satellites in orbit.

In addition, its security-maintained space can also protect humans on Earth. Therefore, SpaceX continues to ensure that the planes and satellites they launch do not damage space.

"We have demonstrated this commitment through action, investing significant resources to ensure that all our launch vehicles, spacecraft, and satellites meet or exceed safety regulations," SpaceX said in a statement released on Tuesday, February 13.

One of the actions that SpaceX says is very influential is to carry out deorbits against Starlink proactively. With this action, SpaceX can reduce the number of satellites that are unable to maneuver or have high risk.

Starlink can also be completely destroyed by design, meaning that risks for those on land, in the air, or at sea from satellites experiencing deorbits are effectively zero as satellites catch fire upon re-entry, SpaceX said.

Of the nearly 6,000 Starlinks in orbit, 406 of them have gone through a deorbit process. This deorbit majorityity occurs naturally, while 17 of them have to perform deorbits because they cannot maneuver or passively.

SpaceX explains that this deorbit process is not carried out at any origin. They even consider using a repulsive deorbit system compared to a deorbit ballistic system. While comparable, the repulsive deorbit is much safer.

The company founded by Elon Musk is also actively sharing information about the position and accuracy of the altitude of Starlink. For SpaceX, knowing the location of the satellite accurately is part of maintaining the sustainability of space.

SpaceX encourages all satellite operators to proactively publish information on the position and uncertainties of their future satellites, as quickly as possible after orbital insertion, including pre-launch information for orbits," SpaceX explained.