Allegations Of Corruption In The Purchase Of Mirage 2000-5 Fighter Jets From Qatar Reported To The KPK

JAKARTA - The Civil Society Coalition reported allegations of corruption at the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) regarding the purchase of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). They hope that this narrow practice can be handled." “ It is important for the KPK leadership to immediately investigate this and dismantle it as widely as possible to the public so that there is no more slander," said Impartial Researcher Hussein Ahmad to reporters at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, February 13.The Civil Society Coalition of the Community Coalition for the Reform of the Security Sector which is part of the reporting is the Association of Legal Aid and Human Rights (PBHI), Imparsial, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International Indonesia (TII). Then Centra Initiative, Elsam, National Walhi, Setara Institute, HRWG, Lingkar Madani, and KontraS.Meanwhile, Kurnia Ramadhana, who is an ICW researcher, emphasized that this report has nothing to do with the 2024 presidential election. They only urged that the allegations be thoroughly investigated.Moreover, there is information that states that an official at the Ministry of Defense gets a kickback or fee from the procurement. “ This has nothing to do with elections, it has nothing to do with political interests, ” he said.The evidence brought by this civil society group is news. However, the KPK is expected to be able to immediately deepen with the authority they have.In addition, the Ministry of Defense is asked to be able to open their data regarding the provision of fighter jets. Moreover, the institution led by Prabowo Subianto has stated that the purchase has been canceled.
“ If the argument is secret, everything that is canceled is no secret. If the secret is the goods, I don't know, I want to know that Mirage planes are the same as chairs, laptops, and so on,” said the Chairman of the PBHI National Management Agency (BPN), Julius. Hebrew in the same location."“ What should have been opened but we didn't see it opened," he concluded.