M Bloc Manager Bans Documentary Nobar Activities Dirty Vote Held The 4 Finger Salam Movement

JAKARTA - The management of M Bloc Space prohibits the nobar (non-tone together) of the documentary Dirty Vote which was held by the 4 Finger Salam Movement.

The manager of M Bloc Space opened his voice regarding the reasons for the ban, the manager assessed that the nobar activity was considered a violation of the calm period of the election.

"The film nobar and discussion of Dirty Vote which was originally scheduled to take place tonight with regrets that it could not be held at the Creative Hall, M Bloc Space because it contradicts KPU regulations regarding the quiescence period on 11-13 February 2024 which does not allow any campaign activities related to elections," wrote a statement from the official Instagram account @mblocspace, Monday 12 February.

The management of M Bloc Space will strictly comply with the regulations for the quiet period of the election in order to create a conducive election atmosphere, so that elections can be carried out smoothly.

Previously, the 4 Finger Salam Movement invited the entire community to pay attention to the documentary discussion of Dirty Vote.

The invitation was conveyed through the official X Salam 4 Jari account, this nobar activity is expected to be able to uncover the design of the 2024 Election fraud and add to the perspective of voters regarding contestation in the 2024 General Election.

The documentary film Dirty Vote with the 4 Finger Salam Movement should be held at the M Bloc Space Creative Hall, South Jakarta on Monday, February 12 at 19.00 WIB.

However, the Salam 4 Jari Movement in its post announced that it would cancel the nobar activity on the grounds that the management of the M Bloc Creative Hall prohibited these activities.