What's The Category Of Damaged Voice Letters Or Defs Like? Check Out The Following Explanation

YOGYAKARTA The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) will hold a Presidential Election (Pilpres) and Legislative Election (Pileg) on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Before exercising their voting rights on voting day, the public needs to know if the ballot category is damaged, because it affects whether the votes are valid or not.

If when a ballot is found to be damaged or disabled, the sound does not count.

So, what are the criteria for ballots that are considered damaged or flawed? Let's see the following explanation.

Criteria or ballot categories are damaged or flawed for the 2024 general election (Pemilu) enshrined in KPU Decree Number 135 of 2023. The characteristics are as follows:

If voters find a ballot in a damaged or disabled condition when they want to vote, then the Head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) will provide a replacement ballot to voters at most once.

This provision is contained in Article 26 of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 25 of 2023.

In this article, it is explained that voters can request a replacement ballot from the chairman of the KPPS if they receive a ballot that is damaged and/or wrong in voting ballots.

Furthermore, the chairman of the KPPS is required to record a broken ballot and/or the wrong voting letter is included in the ballot.

KPPS officers can replace ballots for voters who receive damaged ballots or vote incorrectly which are taken from a backup ballot. Voters will get a backup ballot as a replacement. If it is not sufficient, then use the available ballot.

For your information, ballots are media used in the form of paper sheets specifically designed as voting equipment from voting candidates to choose the desired presidential or legislative candidates.

The ballots in the 2024 General Election are divided into five types, including:

That's the information about the ballot category that is damaged or flawed. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.