Vice President Invites Confucian Figures To Play A Role In Creating Cool And Peaceful Elections

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin invites Confucian figures to play a role in creating elections that have cool and peaceful nuances.

"I invite all parties to contribute to the success of this important national agenda. Confucian religious leaders must play a more role, in supporting the creation of cool and peaceful elections," said Ma'ruf in his remarks online at the 2575 Kongzili Chinese New Year National Celebration event at Samudera Hall, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

Ma'ruf also invites Confucian people to exercise their political rights in the 2024 General Election responsibly.

In the event themed "Malu If You Don't Know Shame, Make Unsung Malu" held by the Indonesian Confucian Religious High Council (Matakin), Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the Indonesian people must be able to show the world about the maturity of democracy and the ability to manage differences.

According to the Vice President, with the maturity of democracy, the Indonesian nation will always be given a good leader.

"With the maturity and maturity of our nation in democracy, God willing, our nation will always be blessed with leaders who are able to unite various differences, as well as use them as one of the pillars of strength to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045," explained Ma'ruf Amin.

The vice president asked all religious-based community organizations, including Matakin, to continue to play a role in maintaining inter-religious harmony and building national unity and integrity for the welfare of the community.

"Support from all parties, including the role of religious leaders and Confucian people, will be a stimulus for the government to work more optimally for the progress of the nation," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

Meanwhile, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in his remarks stated that for the first time the Ministry of Religion facilitated the national celebration of the Chinese New Year 2575 Kongzili as a form of state and government concern for the Confucian people, as well as the establishment ofharmonic relations among fellow Indonesian citizens.

"Konghucu is one of the elements of the nation that helps strengthen national unity. The state recognizes the existence of Confucian religion as well as other religions and guarantees the right of Confucian people to practice religious teachings, by expressing their cultural values in our beloved homeland," said Yaqut.

Ketua Umum Matakin Budi Santoso Tanuwibowo mengungkapkan bangsa Indonesia mempunyai kekayaan sangat berharga berupa persatuan yang telah dibangun selama 350 tahun.

It is hoped that Indonesia's important capital will not be damaged just because of the political contest in the 2024 election.

"Don't let this nation be divided just for a moment of interest. We built it for 350 years, plus 78 years, and we are not satisfied yet. No, don't, don't let what we are afraid of happen (the nation is divided)," said Budi.