Prabowo Becomes A Victim Of Hoax Against Politics, Fake Diplomatic Wire Appears

There was hoax information about Prabowo Subianto being involved in a scandal that alleged corruption in the purchase of Mirage 2000-5 aircraft.

This information came from one of the anonymous Twitter accounts, Pocitetepwibu @@_P0c1_1mOeTWibu.

This information was then responded to by Military Tweets. They assessed that the information submitted by the account was only a guide for opinions ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

"This is again, it's too slow for the internet to be free. It doesn't seem like there is a form in Indonesia, it's not even been interpreted as English on the "secret YouTube" that doesn't look like American English," tweeted @tweetmilitary on Twitter / X, Friday, February 10.

He also warned not to easily believe such negative issues. Moreover, the voting process is only a matter of days.

"Be careful, before day H voting, there is a lot of disinformation roaming around..," he added.

This issue arises by comparing two documents. The first document, the diplomacy cable script from Wikileaks with documents that are used as hoax materials.

Tweetmilitary opens the two data as a strong comparison, content netizens create is false information or disinformation.

"There are interesting findings regarding this "diplomatic cable". Try comparing the 2 diplomatic cable that has been separated for almost 15 years. There are a lot of similarities in the words in it, especially in the circled part," he explained.

On the other hand, Tweetmilitar also finds it strange that the confidential data is genuine, why it leaked ahead of the 2024 election voting.

"Besides the diplomatic cable on January 25, 2024, can it leak out 6 days before the election? Impeccable timing + which leaked it was better than Snowden," he said.