Encourage Literacy Revitalization, Deepublish Strengthens Collaboration With Academics

JAKARTA - Indonesia is one of the rich countries for natural resources and human resources. However, with these advantages, Indonesia is still dealing with literacy problems that are not yet optimal. According to the results of the 2022 PISA, Indonesia's ranking in reading, mathematics, and science was up 5-6 positions compared to the previous year.

Even so, this increase still shows that public literacy is still relatively low. In addition, literacy issues related to cases of book hijacking are still common in Indonesia. Starting from this condition, issues related to literacy are important to pay attention to.

On Saturday 3 February, the Deepublish Publisher held a Gala Dinner which took place at the Sahid Raya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta. The purpose of organizing this event is as a medium to establish friendship and strengthen collaboration with academics to increase literacy in Indonesia.

The event was attended by all employees, partners, as well as a number of officials from representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, the Regional Library and Archives Service of DIYogyakarta, and IKAPI DIY.

Gala Dinner was opened with a speech from the Founder of Deepublish Issuance, namely Prof. Dr. drh. Rr. Retno Widyani, MS, MH In his remarks, Prof. Retno said that the birth of the Deepublish Publish Publisher was a dedication to help and support the career of Indonesian lecturers by publishing quality books.

In addition, a speech was also conveyed by Wawan Arif as Chair of IKAPI DIY and Kurniawan, S.Sos., SI.Akt., MEc.dev as Head of the DIYogyakarta Regional Library and Archives Service.

The excitement in this Gala Dinner event is also increasingly felt with the remarks conveyed by the General Manager of Deepublish Publish Issuance, namely Gilang Mukti Prabowo, SE, MM In his speech, Gilang said that in 2024 Deepublish continues to strive to provide the best service and convenience for consumers by creating web base-based services.

Through this service, it is hoped that more writers will have the convenience of accessing all Deepublish Issuing services. In addition, Deepublish Publish is now one step closer to its consumers because of the representative offices in Jakarta and Malang.

This year's Gala Dinner event is also a moment for the introduction of Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, SE., MMA., MA who is the Chancellor of Dhyana Pura University and also a thank you to Dr. Miguna Astuti S.Si., MM., MOS., CPM., CIRR who is a lecturer from Jakarta's National Veterans Development University, who has been accompanying Deepublish Publish Publishers for 3 years.

Deepublish issuers will collaborate with Ambassador lecturers in providing education to lecturers and institutions throughout Indonesia in supporting improving the quality of education, especially universities.

As in the holding of the Gala Dinner in previous years, this year the Deepublish Publish issuer also gave awards to a number of parties. This award is addressed to a number of partners who support the journey of the Deepulish Publisher for 14 years.

The existence of this award is expected to be a motivation for Deepublish partners to be able to continue to contribute in providing quality books to increase literacy in Indonesia.