Deputy Minister Of Trade: Central And Regional Governments Must Ensure Domestic Products Are Empowered
JAKARTA - The development of Indonesian products is one of the government's priorities. This is so that it can be accepted in the domestic and global markets.
According to Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga, the government as a regulator must be an example and example in the use of domestic products.
"The central and regional governments must ensure that domestic products are empowered. Currently, I am wearing a locally made batik shirt. In fact, this batik shirt is made in Minahasa Regency with North Sulawesi motives," said Jerry quoting Antara.
The Ministry of Trade has provided various programs that can be utilized by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), such as coaching, training, and mentoring to improve product quality, human resource capacity, business capacity, and expansion of marketing access.
Jerry said that MSMEs have become one of the main drivers of the Indonesian economy in the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the last three years. In terms of exports, more than 75 percent of exporters are MSMEs.
However, its contribution has only reached four percent of Indonesia's total export value. Therefore, MSME players are expected to be technology literate in order to expand product promotion coverage and be able to compete in quality.
Meanwhile, Director of the Use and Marketing of Domestic Products Krisna Ariza stated that the government is preparing Indonesia Gold 2045 with the aim of making society fair, prosperous, and prosperous. Of course, there are things that must be prepared to make it happen.
First, the need for the transformation of MSME human resources. The COVID-19 pandemic and technological developments have changed consumer patterns.
"Currently, sales are not only done face-to-face, but also online. MSME actors need managerial capabilities to regulate direct and online sales," said Krisna.
Krisna said, the second thing that must be prepared is the innovation of MSME products which must continue to be done in line with the growth of the times. Third, the pattern of partnership with modern retail stores.
Fourth, when there is an increase in production, MSME actors must have the courage to increase their capital capacity and production capacity by borrowing money from banking financial services.
"The facilities provided by the government are as required. This must be utilized properly and become a means to expand market access," he said.
Krisna said the Ministry of Trade will continue to collaborate with the Trade Office in all regencies in Indonesia to provide guidance and training related to how to sell online. The government is here to actually facilitate the needs of the community and MSME actors.