ICW Confuses Name Of PDIP Politician Ihsan Yunus Missing On Social Assistance Bribery Charges

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana assesses that the loss of the name of PDI-P politician Ihsan Yunus in the charges of two defendants for bribery for social assistance (bansos) COVID-19, Harry Sidabuke and Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja, is an odd thing.

This is because the name Ihsan has repeatedly appeared in the process of investigating cases of suspected social assistance, especially in case reconstruction held by the KPK. In fact, in one part of the previous reconstruction, Harry Sidabuke explained that he handed over Rp1.53 billion and two Brompton-branded bicycles to Agustri Yogasmara alias Yogas, which is the operator of Ihsan Yunus.

"After observing the indictment read out by the KPK public prosecutor in the alleged bribery case for the procurement of social assistance packages at the Ministry of Social Affairs, ICW questioned the loss of the name Ihsan Yunus. This is odd, because, in the reconstruction carried out by the KPK, the name has already appeared," Kurnia said in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, February 25.

Apart from that, this anti-corruption activist also questioned the unexplainable status of Yogas even though his name was repeatedly mentioned in the indictment. In fact, Kurnia said, the name Yogas was mentioned as the owner of the social assistance quota which was carried out by Harry through PT Pertani and PT Mandala Hamonangan Sude.

"In fact, the KPK is still under reconstruction, which clearly states that Agustri Yogasmara is the operator of Ihsan Yunus," he said.

He emphasized that the indictment that the prosecutor read out should target the crime committed by Harry Sidabuke.

Thus, Kurnia questioned whether the KPK considered the billions of rupiah in cash and a number of items that Harry gave to a party who was called an intermediary for a state administrator not considered a criminal act.

ICW reminds that Article 143 paragraph (2) letter b of the Criminal Procedure Code states that the indictment must be written carefully, clearly and completely. With these various irregularities, ICW then reminded the leadership, deputies and directors at the KPK not to commit any illegal acts. "For example, protecting or obstructing the work of investigators to completely dismantle this case," said Kurnia.

In addition, he also asked the KPK Supervisory Board to pay close attention to the case transfer process from investigation to prosecution and the drafting of an indictment letter for the accused Harry Sidabuke.

The government, continued Kurnia, also needs to be serious in supervising the handling of this case because it is directly related to the livelihoods of the people who are victims of the Covid-19 pandemic which have been damaged and injured by several corruptors.

"Therefore, the public's hope must be answered by the KPK by not doing selective cuts in handling this case," he concluded.