Attacking Each Other With Sharp Weapons, Six Minors Were Taken To The Police
JAKARTA A total of six minors were caught and secured by the Banyumas Police Criminal Investigation Unit for being involved in clashes between groups in front of the Pangebatan Village Pharmacy RT 01 RW 01 following Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday 6 February, at around 01.00 WIB.
From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured a number of large sickle evidence and several other sharp weapons.
Are ABN (16), BPP (16) years, RAW (17), MHI (16), MIB (17) and RPN (17), all of whom are residents of Patikraja District, Banyumas Regency.
The Head of Banyumas Police, Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Adriansyah Rithas, said that based on witness testimony, on Tuesday, witness ABD saw a group of young people suspected of being a motorcycle gang. That night they were seen carrying sharp weapons of the type of sickle. The clashes of the group were inevitable.
"One of the children ran into the counter which was in the vicinity of Pangebatan Village. Then it was secured by the community and taken to the village hall. Then the residents reported the incident to the Karanglewas Police, who then picked up the Karanglewas Police to secure it for questioning", he explained.
"Information that we are digging, this village border motorcycle gang challenges a brawl to a motorcycle gang called Gemtas and also a motorcycle gang called Wargilan", said Kompol Adriansyah Rithas.
"The evidence that was successfully secured was one iron pipe, one small sickle, one corbek and two sickles", concluded Kompol Andriansyah.
The perpetrators were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951.