Chinese KRL Imports Impact Of The Threat Of Postponement Of Fast Train Debt? KCI Opens Voice

JAKARTA - The decision of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) to choose to import three series or trainsets of KRL from China has drawn a polemic. In fact, there are allegations that China Development Bank (CDB) threatens to withhold the debt of the Fast Train project.

The reason is, the initial proposal for the procurement of KRL received by PT KCI was from a KRL producer from Japan, namely J-TREC in October 2023. The J-TRECT itself is completely owned by JR-East.

In response to this, KCI Vice President Corporate Secretary Anne Purba ensured that the decision to procure imports of three new series or KRL trainers from a Chinese company, CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd has nothing to do with the Fast Train Project

"It has nothing to do with it, it's pure, it has nothing to do with it. The procurement, the process, is really procured. There is no influence from anyone," he said at a press conference at the KCI office, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 6.

After the proposal was received in October 2023, Anne said that J-TREC submitted a change in technical recommendations and financing submitted from the previous proposal.

Anne said that apart from continuing to communicate with J-TREC Japan, KCI also communicated with South Korea (Wojin and Dawonsys) and China (CRRC Sifang) which also produces taxi trains.

"So that when we received all the proposals, CRRC was indeed the most competitive. And they also collaborated with 28 countries in the procurement of train facilities, either commuter or high speed train in several countries, including Europe and Asia," said Anne.

Furthermore, Anne said that the KCI decision was also supervised by the Supreme Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) and the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). He also emphasized that there was no conflict of interest.

"So indeed the procurement process must have a comparison, there is no recommendation from anyone, we cooperate with korea, there are two manufacturers, CRRC, J-TRECT in Japan," he said.

Anne also said KCI is still in good relations with Japan and South Korea even though it has finally collaborated with China. Given, the majority of the KRL fleet is currently imported from Japan.

"We are very well related to these three countries. Currently, with Japan, the majority of trainsets are still in collaboration with Japan, there is still cooperation between LTPA (Long Term Partnership Agreement), long term procurement of spare parts, hospitality training with Japan," he explained.