List Of Universities That Criticize Jokowi From Longest To Latest

YOGYAKARTA A list of universities that Jokowi criticized is being discussed. The criticism was put forward by academics from universities in both the country and the private sector. Academics who express criticism themselves do not only contain students, but also lecturers to professors.

It should be noted that the criticism raised by the academic community regarding the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the 2024 General Election and democratic conditions are considered to have experienced setbacks.

Until now, sharp criticism of the academic community towards Jokowi continues to grow. The following is a list of universities that President Jokowi criticizes from the old to the latest.

1. Gadjah Mada University (UGM-Yogyakarta)

The first academics who delivered their criticism of Jokowi began with the UGM academic community, namely on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Criticism was conveyed by the community consisting of students, lecturers, and professors. They also made a petition for Bulaksumur.

In the criticism, the community stated that President Jokowi was considered deviated from the democratic principles that had been adhered to. They demanded that Jokowi and all relevant parties start from law enforcement officials, state officials, and political actors who support Jokowi to re-hold democratic principles and prioritize the values of populistism and social justice.

2. Indonesian Islamic University (UII-Yogyakarta)

Not only UGM, another campus that also has its address in Yogyakarta, the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) also conveyed its criticism of Jokowi. Criticism was put forward the day after UGM, namely on Thursday, February 1, 2024.

The UII community gathered at the Kahar Muzakkir Auditorium courtyard at the UII Integrated Campus, Sleman, Yogyakarta and issued a statement "Indonesia Emergency Statement" by the UII Chancellor, Prof. Fathul Wahid.

They considered that President Jokowi's statesmanship was fading. In addition, UII's community consisting of students, alumni, lecturers, and professors also stated that there are at least four symptom indicators that show that Indonesia is in a state-of-the-art emergency that has the potential to damage the country's legal system and democracy.

3. University of Indonesia (UI-Depok)

One of the other favorite campuses in Indonesia, University of Indonesia (UI) is also following in the footsteps of other universities. Criticism and concern were delivered on Friday, January 2, 2024 in the courtyard of the UI Rectorate Building, Depok, led by the Chairman of the UI Professors Council, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo.

UI academic community expressed their concern and concern over the collapse of the legal order and democracy that occurred near the 2024 election. Representatives stated that in the last five years, particularly approaching the 2024 election, they needed to voice the restoration of tarnished democracy. They also expressed concern about the collapse of the legal order and democracy.

The following are universities in the country that convey their criticism of Jokowi as president of Indonesia.

Those are some of the lists of universities that Jokowi criticizes. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.